Testing Services
SAF International takes pride in its “proactive rather than reactive” approach. Our philosophy is simple: we strive to take precautionary steps to avoid mishaps rather than wait to respond in the event such problems arise.
Our testing services are a tribute to this philosophy. We assess, experiment, and analyze the software before its actual implementation to reduce risk, which could lead to possible loss of revenue and client confidence.
SAF International offers a tailored and holistic portfolio of full-range testing services. These services seek to maximize revenue, minimize risk and deliver successful results.
Our portfolio supports testing services by:
· Mitigating potential business risks
· Maximizing total return on I.T. investments
· Reducing cost of testing services
· Prevention of virtually all high-risk mishaps
· Evaluating marginal errors

Our approach to testing services coupled with our thorough industry knowledge, time-testing expertise, and track record of success demonstrates SAF International as a leader in business consultancy.
Tailored Testing
SAF International offers customized testing from independent testing for a single application to the testing of an entire I.T. system. Our state-of-the-art solution to testing services addresses your internal capabilities by assessing the predictability of application performance, reducing cost by leveraging accessible resources, and allocating independent tasks to team members to provide a clear consensus of results and to provide better quality without minimal risk.
Testing Anywhere and Anytime
SAF International meets the demands of various business units that require software testing. We streamline the process of all software applications to deliver high quality results without the hassle.
Our approach to testing services is applicable to single testing to full-scale software operations and is able to accommodate internal and external resources, as well as near shore and offshore ones, guaranteeing the highest results anywhere, anytime.